Monday, January 30, 2006

Grey's Anatomy Gets Ready for the Super Bowl

Grey's Anatomy capped off its pre-Super Bowl run with a show concerning labor issues. From what I've heard, there were some protestations from Nurses and Health Care Professionals' unions regarding the portrayal of nurses on the show. This is something I admire greatly about the show--they seem to be receptive to criticism of the show, and often respond by saying, "Woah! We didn't think of that! We'll write an episode about that!" Normally, it seems like top-rated shows have more of a "We're a top show, we'll tell you what's appropriate!"

Standardized recommendations include “Code Blue” – Medical Emergency – Cardiac/Respiratory Arrest; “Code Red” – Fire; “Code Grey” – Severe Weather; “Code Black” – Bomb; “Code Pink” – Infant/Child Abduction; “Code Yellow” – Disaster/Mass Casualty; “Code White” – Security Alert/Violence/Hostage; and “Code Orange” – Hazardous Materials.

There is much hype and talk around the plot of next week's show, a cliffhanger which will attempt to win some new viewers bleeding over from what is usually the highest rated show of the year, the Super Bowl. The previews showed Isiah Washington calling a "code black" with blood everywhere and police attempting to clear folks from the building while the doctors demanded to stay and save patients.

There's been a lot of discussion of this on Grey's Anatomy forums and boards, but if you are curious (if not, stop reading) here is a list of hospital codes used at most institutions (black is buried in there, so once again stop reading if you don't want to know):

It seems like a good choice, especially for Super Bowl night and hopefully they will hook a few million more viewers for the best? (Boston Legal has a good argument) show on television.

In last night's show, the Seattle Grace nurses went on strike and set up a picket line at the hospital. The portrayal was far from the normal anti-union slant you see in the mainstream media. Realistically, the nurses both wanted their demands to be heard, but also were concerned for their patients. Like in most real strikes, they viewed the strike as a last resort that they felt pushed to by their unfair treatment at the hospital. George, the dopey intern, did a great job balances his allegiances to the working-class union way of life and his residency. Ultimately, he improvises and comes up with a constructive, successful middle-ground that helps the nurses win their victory, but also prevents the compromising of patients' health as much as is possible.


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